a.m.i.r.a n.a.j.i.h.a.h
kol me m.i.r.a.a.n or k.a.d.o.k
heee :)
im candidate spm 2012 ;) account student...bio??? nope...x amek pon.. asl nye nk jd veterinar tp,,, da x,, nk jadi auditor... hmm just suite with me<3
lov number so so much ,, hope u guys will know me with read this messy blog.. daaaaaaaa
Cmne rse nye hidup bahagie ekk ?? im wonder ? patot ea aq kne cmni..
Hmm.. aq takod ,, takod sangad sangad ,,hmm
There no one beside me anymore ! for sure ! coz im an idiot ! yess , yess , and yess !
Idiot slut biatch ever ! im a looserr ! im suck ! so tired for being such an idiottt ....
Why aq cmni ekk ?? knpe ekk ?? are there someone can tell me why ?? and explain it to me ,, pleaase im begging ! why ?? i rather die or live like dis,, live lite dying ,,, just the same if im just gone forever in this wonderfull sheet ! hmmm ,,,,
Dont judge a book just with it cover ! i try to be the other person ,, change to be a good person,, but i received a shit ! why ? semakin aq nk brubah ,, semakin hilang ap yang aq ad yang aq miliki ,, knpe nih ?? knpe semua hilang nihh ... knpe x layak ke aq brubahh ,,, mmg aq sesuai jadi setan ke ?? aq xnk laa,, aq nk change myself laaa,,,
Plezzz la accept it,, no more play play .. im seriouss guyss ! come onn .... no more enjoyy with bnde mngarut ngarut ni laaa... aq xnk ,,, dont forget by demi lovato.. ad someone pnh nyanyi lgu ni ,, we’re supersaver ,, then i turn my ipod on.. and play diz song,, then he sang diz song,,, see !! did u forget my dear ,, NO !! yess ofcourse u cant forget itt ,,, but here i want to say,,, please forget it ,, coz i hate it ,, i hate it a lot ... all the past it just a lesson we have learn ,,, just forget it !! but dont forget me for sure,, please acccept my changesss !! even you have a new person in ur life,,, a very very perfect oness ,,, rite ,,, but i hope u never forget me in the good way not because ur NAFSU semate mate k !! ihope sangad sangad !! jjust that i want to say take a good care of ur choice my dearest,,, amin ! gud lux ! epi ending u guys ! i give to KB-LA